

All students receiving federal, state or institutional financial aid must maintain 学业进展良好,才有资格获得财政援助资金. 令人满意的 academic progress is evaluated for all financial aid recipients at the end of each 四分之一的入学率. 适用财政援助满意的学术进步政策 to all quarters of enrollment at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, regardless of how tuition is paid, 和 is based 两个标准测量:定性(基于成绩)和定量(基于时间).

学业进步的定性衡量标准: GPA成绩/
A student is maintaining “qualitative” academic progress by maintaining a Cumulative GPA 2.每个季度出勤结束时,分数为0或更高.

学业进步的量化措施: 完成学分
A student is maintaining “quantitative” academic progress by passing all classes during each quarter of attendance, by achieving degree 完成 within the maximum allowed 时间框架和保持进度.

To maintain federal 和 institutional financial aid eligibility students must earn their degree program within 150 percent of the number of 学分 required for degree 完成. 例如,学生必须完成90学分的学位课程 135学分(90 X 150%).

All attempted (those passed 和 not passed) college level courses (100-level 和 above) are calculated into the 150 percent timeframe allowed for financial aid eligibility 通过完成学位. 转换适用于学生学位/课程的学分 are included in the maximum timeframe calculation as both "attempted" 和 "earned" 学分.

  • A maximum of 45 学分 of remedial/preparatory coursework (often below 100-level) 是否有资格获得经济援助.
  • A student who completes a two-year degree program within the required timeframe may receive financial aid for a second two-year degree program or a BAS degree program, 但可能需要提供并遵循学术计划.

为了在最长的时间内完成学位,学生必须 保持进度. 学生在网赌正规真人实体在线平台的第一季度入学后, 他们必须通过所有尝试学分的至少50%. 从他们的 second quarter 和 subsequent quarters of enrollment, they must ensure they are passing 累计至少占所有尝试学分的67%. 累计尝试学分 include all college level 学分, all remedial 学分 和 all transfer 学分 that 申请学生的学习计划.

  • 进度 = all 学分 "earned" with passing grades divided by all "attempted" 学分(及格学分加所有不及格学分).
  • 及格成绩= 1.0 – 4.0及P级.
  • 不及格成绩= 0.0、I、N、W、Z级.

Students who do not meet certain qualitative or quantitative st和ards may be placed 四分之一的时间处于警告状态. 该学生继续有资格获得财政资助 aid during the warning quarter but at the end of the warning quarter must be meeting 所有令人满意的学业进展(完成学分,累积GPA) 和进度). 警告状态发生在第一季度之后,其中:

  • 学生的累积GPA低于2分.0,但等于或大于1.0.
  • The student did not pass 100 percent, but did pass at least 50 percent of the 学分 required for their 入学水平 (full-time = 6-11 学分; ¾ time = 5-8 学分, ½ time = 3-5 学分; < ½ time = 1+ 学分).
  • After the first 四分之一的入学率 at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, the student's 进度 is 不到百分之百,但至少是百分之五十.

A student’s financial aid eligibility is suspended, 和 the student is no longer eligible for financial aid, as a result of any of the following outcomes at the end of a quarterly 评价:

  • 警告:累积GPA仍低于2分.0.
  • 警告:没有通过所有尝试的季度学分.
  • 第一季度后:进展速度低于50%.
  • 第二季度及之后的季度:增长速度低于67%.
  • 累计GPA低于1.0.
  • Student earns less than 50 percent of the 学分 required for their 入学水平 (full-time = < 6 学分; ¾ time = < 5 学分; ½ time = < 3 学分; < ½ time = < 1信用).
  • 学生不能在课程长度的150%内获得学位.
  • After six, or more, quarters of attendance the student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0.

If financial aid eligibility is suspended, a student may qualify to have their financial aid reinstated by completing enough 学分 (minimum of one five credit class) without 财政援助,以满足所有满意的学术要求(季度学分) 完成度、累积GPA和进度). 此外,那些寻求 恢复 this way must, at a minimum, complete 和 pass every class attempted 至少得2分.季度平均绩点0.

If financial aid eligibility is suspended but the unsatisfactory academic progress was the result of an unanticipated circumstance or personal emergency that prevented 学生从学业上取得成功,学生可以提交一份 学业进展满意呈请书 考虑复职.

  • Students may petition for financial aid 恢复 a maximum of three times while 攻读副学士学位.
  • Students enrolled in a BAS program are allowed up to an additional two petitions for 恢复. 如果学生在开始BAS课程之前从未提交过申请 while they were enrolled in an associate degree program, they are eligible for up 三份请愿书.
  • If financial aid eligibility is suspended due to not being able to complete a degree 在最大时限内(150%) the student may also petition for an extension of their timeframe to finish the degree: 学业进展满意呈请书. (学生不能申请支付超过45个补习/预科学分 通过财政援助.)
  • 如果助学金资格因累积GPA低于2而被暂停.0后 six or more quarters of attendance at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, the student is NOT eligible to petition. 只有在学生修满足够的学分后才能恢复资格。 在没有经济资助的情况下,将累积绩点提高到2分.0.

经济援助试用期 & 学术计划
如果被停学的学生提交了恢复经济援助的申请,并且 petition is approved, the student will be placed on Probation for one quarter or on 多个季度的学术计划. 学生是否能够达到所有的标准 of academic progress by the end of the next quarter of attendance, the Probation will 持续一个季度. 如果学生不能达到所有的学术标准 progress by the end of the next quarter of attendance, the student will be on an Academic 计划所需的季度数量,以满足所有标准. 学生的 在试用期间,每个季度末将对学习进度进行评估 或学术计划.

The following information is essential for all financial aid recipients to read 和 理解:

  • 更改入学级别: Financial aid recipients must maintain their 入学水平 (Full-time (12+ 学分), ¾ time (9-11 学分), ½ time (6-8 学分) or < ½ time (1-5 学分)) as of the tenth instructional day for Fall, Winter 和 Spring Quarters 和 the eighth instructional 夏季学期日.
    • Dropping classes/学分 before these dates may result in the student owing a repayment 因为他们的奖学金必须按比例减少,以匹配他们的新奖学金 入学水平.
    • Dropping classes/学分 after these dates will be subject to the satisfactory academic 上述进度措施.
    • 退修所有课程/学分可能导致学生欠债 或者是他们那个季度获得的财政援助的一部分. 了解更多信息 请参阅 网赌正规真人实体在线平台的退出政策退款政策.
  • 退课/退课: Students should 联系 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 金融援助 prior to dropping or withdrawing from classes to receive guidance about how such action will affect their financial aid eligibility.
  • 年级的变化: If the grade for a class(es) is changed 和 the result increases the number of 学分 earned 和/or the GPA, the student should 联系 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 金融援助 to see if it affects 他们令人满意的学业进步.
  • 重复上课: Financial aid funding may be awarded for only one repeat of a previously passed course 或者直到之前不及格的课程通过. 然而,所有重复的课程都会如此 be counted toward attempted 学分 和 may result in failure to meet the Pace of 发展的需求. 获得的最高分数将用于累积分数 平均绩点计算.
  • 学术/年级原谅: 学生资助规定甚至不接受学术宽恕/特赦 尽管网赌正规真人实体在线平台有这样的政策.
  • 政策变化: 财政援助计划,政策和程序可能会发生变化,以便 遵守联邦和州的法律法规.

